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Revision as of 14:42, 25 March 2022

ComStar logo.png
Capital World Tukayyid
Ruler Primus Sharilar Mori
Military Com Guard
Secret Service ROM

ComStar, the institution and religion, grew out of the Star League Department of Communications, as re-envisioned by Jerome Blake, Minister of Communications. ComStar is transnational, beholden to none of the Successor States, and its priesthood exclusively controls access to the only means of faster-than-light communications, the HyperPulse Generators. ComStar facilities and personnel are sacrosanct, a status enforced aggressively by the institution; offending states—even entire Successor States—can find themselves cut off from the rest of the Inner Sphere, unable to communicate or trade. The current head of ComStar is Primus Sharilar Mori.

Enemy Factions

The following is a list of factions that can appear as OpFor in missions while working for ComStar. Additionally, while allied with ComStar these factions will consider you an enemy and your reputation with them will not rise above 0:

Faction Store Inventory

The ComStar faction store can be accessed in any of their systems after allying with them. A list of all faction stores can be found here.


  • Best In Slot
  • Faction Unique
Faction Gear
Weapons Ammunition Equipment Full Mechs Mech Parts Vehicles Battle Armor Contracts
ComStar logo.png


None None C3 Master
C3 Slave
Angel ECM
Bloodhound AP
NullSig System
None BLK-9-KNT Parts
CHP-3N Parts
KGC-001 Parts
HSR-400-D Parts
WYE-9N Parts
FLC-4N Parts
MON-66 Parts
OTT-9CS Parts
THE-Nb Parts
LNC25-04 Parts
ST-8A Parts
CRK-5004-1 Parts
NSR-9J Parts
Chevalier Light Tank None King Crab Airdrop
Alacorn VI Tank Airdrop

Starting 'Mechs

ComStar does not have a starting 'mechs option.

Faction 'Mechs

Assault Mechs
Heavy Mechs
Medium Mechs
Light Mechs

ComStar Unique 'Mechs

ComStar field a selection of 'mechs unique to their forces that you won't be able to find with anyone else.


Firefly - FFL-3A

Firefly - FFL-4A

Firefly - FFL-4B

Firefly - FFL-4C

Hermes - HER-1S


Crab - CRB-45

Osprey - OSP-25

Phoenix Hawk - PXH-7CS

Shadow Hawk - SHD-11CS

Wolverine - WVR-7H




Mackie Omni - MSK-9H-PRIME

Marauder II - MAD-5W

Matar - SAM-RS

Thug - THG-13K

ComStar/Word of Blake Specific 'Mechs

These 'mechs aren't unique to any one faction but you'll only find them with ComStar and Word of Blake forces.


Hussar - HSR-400-D

Mongoose - MON-77

Ostscout - OTT-9CS

Thorn - THE-N

Thorn - THE-N1


Griffin - GRF-6CS

Hunchback - HBK-2CS4C

Phoenix Hawk - PXH-1bC

Shadow Hawk - SHD-2Ht

Shadow Hawk - SHD-7CS

Wyvern - WVE-9N

Wyvern - WVE-10N


Archer - ARC-5CS

Avatar - AV1-OE

Black Knight - BLK-9-KNT

Black Knight - BL-10X-KNT

Bombardier - BMB-14C

Champion - CHP-3N

Champion - CHP-3P

Lancelot - LNC25-04

Lancelot - LNC25-05

Marauder - MAD-5CS

Rifleman - RFL-5CS

Warhammer - WHM-7CS


Highlander - HGN-736

King Crab - KGC-005

Nightstar - NSR-10CS

Thug - THG-11C

Thug - THG-12E