Difference between revisions of "Game Worlds"

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(Added new hero mechs)
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==== Inner Sphere ====
==== Inner Sphere ====
* [[Anubis#ABS-TZ|Anubis ABS-TZ "Taz"]]
* [[Anubis#ABS-TZ|Anubis ABS-TZ "Taz"]]
* [[Brigand#LDT-AB|Brigand LDT-AB "Bonny"]]
* [[Commando#COM-TDK|Commando COM-TDK "The Death's Knell"]]
* [[Commando#COM-TDK|Commando COM-TDK "The Death's Knell"]]
* [[Firestarter#FS9-E|Firestarter FS9-E "Ember"]]
* [[Firestarter#FS9-E|Firestarter FS9-E "Ember"]]
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* [[Mantis#MTS-P|Mantis MTS-P "Praying Mantis"]]
* [[Mantis#MTS-P|Mantis MTS-P "Praying Mantis"]]
* [[Osiris#OSR-SK|Osiris OSR-SK "Sekhmet"]]
* [[Osiris#OSR-SK|Osiris OSR-SK "Sekhmet"]]
* [[Ostscout#OTT-OP|Ostscout OTT-OP "Ostprey"]]
* [[Panther#PNT-KK|Panther PNT-KK "Katana Kat"]]
* [[Panther#PNT-KK|Panther PNT-KK "Katana Kat"]]
* {{Highlight|[[Raven#RVN-H|Raven RVN-H "Huginn"]]|LightGreen}}
* {{Highlight|[[Raven#RVN-H|Raven RVN-H "Huginn"]]|LightGreen}}
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* {{Highlight|[[Assassin#ASN-DD|Assassin ASN-DD "DarkDeath"]]|LightSalmon}}
* {{Highlight|[[Assassin#ASN-DD|Assassin ASN-DD "DarkDeath"]]|LightSalmon}}
* [[Blackjack#BJ-A|Blackjack BJ-A "The Arrow"]]
* [[Blackjack#BJ-A|Blackjack BJ-A "The Arrow"]]
* [[Bombard#BMB-TB|Bombard BMB-TB "Tsar Bomba"]]
* [[Bushwacker#BSW-HR|Bushwacker BSW-HR "High Roller"]]
* [[Bushwacker#BSW-HR|Bushwacker BSW-HR "High Roller"]]
* [[Centurion#CN9-YLW|Centurion CN9-YLW "Yen-Lo-Wang"]]
* [[Centurion#CN9-YLW|Centurion CN9-YLW "Yen-Lo-Wang"]]
* [[Cicada#CDA-X5|Cicada CDA-X5 "The X-5"]]
* [[Cicada#CDA-X5|Cicada CDA-X5 "The X-5"]]
* {{Highlight|[[Crab#BSC-27|Crab BSC-27 "Big Steel Claw"]]|LightBlue}}
* {{Highlight|[[Crab#CRB-FL|Crab CRB-FL "Florentine"]]|LightBlue}}
* {{Highlight|[[Crab#CRB-FL|Crab CRB-FL "Florentine"]]|LightBlue}}
* [[Dervish#DV-FR|Dervish DV-FR "Frenzy"]]
* [[Dervish#DV-FR|Dervish DV-FR "Frenzy"]]
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* [[Griffin#GRF-1E|Griffin GRF-1E "Sparky"]]
* [[Griffin#GRF-1E|Griffin GRF-1E "Sparky"]]
* [[Hatchetman#HCT-HL|Hatchetman HCT-HL "Hel"]]
* [[Hatchetman#HCT-HL|Hatchetman HCT-HL "Hel"]]
* [[Hazard#HZD-TRC|Hazard HZD-TRC "Torchie"]]
* [[Hellspawn#HSN-7D2|Hellspawn HSN-7D2 "Paralyzer"]]
* [[Hellspawn#HSN-7D2|Hellspawn HSN-7D2 "Paralyzer"]]
* [[Hollander#II#BZK-BI|Hollander II BZK-BI "Big Iron"]]
* [[Hollander#II#BZK-BI|Hollander II BZK-BI "Big Iron"]]
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* [[Huron Warrior#HUR-WO-WY|Huron Warrior HUR-WO-WY "Wyandotta"]]
* [[Huron Warrior#HUR-WO-WY|Huron Warrior HUR-WO-WY "Wyandotta"]]
* [[Kintaro#KTO-GB|Kintaro KTO-GB "Golden Boy"]]
* [[Kintaro#KTO-GB|Kintaro KTO-GB "Golden Boy"]]
* {{Highlight|[[Phoenix Hawk#PXH-KK|Phoenix Hawk PXH-KK "Kuroi Kiri"]]|LightSalmon}}
* {{Highlight|[[Phoenix#Hawk PXH-KK|Phoenix Hawk PXH-KK "Kuroi Kiri"]]|LightSalmon}}
* [[Preta#X-PRETA-O-SIROCCA|Preta X-PRT-O-SIROCCO "Sirocco"]]
* [[Preta#X-PRETA-O-SIROCCA|Preta X-PRT-O-SIROCCO "Sirocco"]]
* [[Shadow Hawk#SHD-GD|Shadow Hawk SHD-GD "The Gray Death"]]
* [[Shadow Hawk#SHD-GD|Shadow Hawk SHD-GD "The Gray Death"]]
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* [[Black Lanner#BKL-BL|Black Lanner BKL-BL "Bellonarius"]]
* [[Black Lanner#BKL-BL|Black Lanner BKL-BL "Bellonarius"]]
* [[Grendel#GRD-BW|Grendel GRD-BW "Beowulf"]]
* [[Grendel#GRD-BW|Grendel GRD-BW "Beowulf"]]
* [[Hellhound#HLM-TM|Hellhound HLM-TM "Trail Mix"]]
* [[Hunchback IIC#HBK-IIC-DW|Hunchback IIC HBK-IIC-DW "Deathwish"]]
* [[Hunchback IIC#HBK-IIC-DW|Hunchback IIC HBK-IIC-DW "Deathwish"]]
* [[Huntsman#HMN-PA|Huntsman HMN-PA "Pakhet"]]
* [[Huntsman#HMN-PA|Huntsman HMN-PA "Pakhet"]]
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* [[Archer#ARC-T|Archer ARC-T "Tempest"]]
* [[Archer#ARC-T|Archer ARC-T "Tempest"]]
* [[Avatar#AV1-AT|Avatar AV1-AT "Acid Trip"]]
* [[Avatar#AV1-AT|Avatar AV1-AT "Acid Trip"]]
* [[Bellerophon#BEL-BH|Bellerophon BEL-BH "Blockhead"]]
* [[Black Knight#BL-P-KNT|Black Knight BL-P-KNT "Partisan"]]
* [[Black Knight#BL-P-KNT|Black Knight BL-P-KNT "Partisan"]]
* [[Black Knight#BL-X-KNT|Black Knight BL-X-KNT "Red Reaper"]]
* [[Black Knight#BL-X-KNT|Black Knight BL-X-KNT "Red Reaper"]]
* [[Bombardier#BMB-PRK|Bombardier BMB-PRK "The Prick"]]
* [[Cataphract#CTF-IM|Cataphract CTF-IM "Ilya Muromets"]]
* [[Cataphract#CTF-IM|Cataphract CTF-IM "Ilya Muromets"]]
* [[Catapult#CPLT-BB|Catapult CPLT-BB "Butterbee"]]
* [[Catapult#CPLT-BB|Catapult CPLT-BB "Butterbee"]]
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* [[Charger#CGR-N7|Charger CGR-N7 "Number Seven"]]
* [[Charger#CGR-N7|Charger CGR-N7 "Number Seven"]]
* [[Corsair#COR-RA|Corsair COR-RA "Ravager"]]
* [[Corsair#COR-RA|Corsair COR-RA "Ravager"]]
* [[Hauptmann#HA1-JO|Hauptmann HA1-JO "Johanne"]]
* {{Highlight|[[Cyclops#CP-S|Cyclops CP-S "Sleipnir"]]|LightGreen}}
* {{Highlight|[[Cyclops#CP-S|Cyclops CP-S "Sleipnir"]]|LightGreen}}
* [[Emperor#EMP-MC|Emperor EMP-MC "Merciless"]]
* [[Emperor#EMP-MC|Emperor EMP-MC "Merciless"]]
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* [[Sorcerer#SRC-FZ|Sorcerer SRC-FZ "Fizban"]]
* [[Sorcerer#SRC-FZ|Sorcerer SRC-FZ "Fizban"]]
* [[Stalker#STK-M|Stalker STK-M "Misery"]]
* [[Stalker#STK-M|Stalker STK-M "Misery"]]
* [[Thunder Hawk#TDK-SPH|Thunderhawk TDK-SPH "SplatterHawk"]]
* [[Victor#VTR-DS|Victor VTR-DS "Dragon Slayer"]]
* [[Victor#VTR-DS|Victor VTR-DS "Dragon Slayer"]]
* [[Zeus#ZEU-SK|Zeus ZEU-SK "Skokomish"]]
* [[Zeus#ZEU-SK|Zeus ZEU-SK "Skokomish"]]
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* [[Gargoyle#GAR-KW|Gargoyle GAR-KW "Kin Wolf"]]
* [[Gargoyle#GAR-KW|Gargoyle GAR-KW "Kin Wolf"]]
* [[Highlander IIC#HGN-IIC-KP|Highlander IIC HGN-IIC-KP "Keeper"]]
* [[Highlander IIC#HGN-IIC-KP|Highlander IIC HGN-IIC-KP "Keeper"]]
* [[Hyperion#HYP-K|Hyperion HYP-K "Keats"]]
* [[Kodiak#KDK-SB|Kodiak KDK-SB "Spirit Bear"]]
* [[Kodiak#KDK-SB|Kodiak KDK-SB "Spirit Bear"]]
* [[Mad Cat MK II#MCII-DS|Mad Cat Mk. II MCII-DS "Deathstrike"]]
* [[Mad Cat MK II#MCII-DS|Mad Cat Mk. II MCII-DS "Deathstrike"]]

Revision as of 01:55, 15 December 2021

Game worlds are systems that sell special items in their stores that will give you entry into a Game World Duel. Duels can be solo or duo duels for each of the four weight classes: light, medium, heavy, and assault. Each weight class restricts what you can take into the duel: e.g. light duels force light mechs (max tonnage 35 tons per mech) and so on for each class of duel. The opposition in the duels are special hero 'Mechs as well as arena-specific designs such as the Valiant or Juggernaut. The enemy pilots in the duels are a special Game World Gladiator who has high stats and is extremely dangerous, so take them seriously.

The eight game worlds systems in BTA are:

  • Solaris VII (also known as Solaris on the star map)
  • Noisiel
  • Westerhand
  • Antallos
  • Astrokaszy
  • Galatea
  • Dortmund
  • New Port Royal

Game worlds can be found by going to the navigation map and pressing CTRL+F to open the search function and entering either the name of the system you're looking for or "game world" to search for the planet tag.

When you purchase the duel item, it will immediately generate a contract in the Command Center. Make sure you complete these contracts before you leave the world otherwise the game experience technical issues. Game world duels only provide cash rewards, taking salvage will give you nothing so max out the cash slider when you accept the contract. That said, there's a hidden counter that ticks up when you do a duel of a certain weight class, when that counter hits 6, you'll be rewarded with a loot cache giving you a random light hero mech, like the ones you can fight in the duels themselves. What's a hero mech? It's a unique customized mech with a unique loadout and special bonus "Hero 'Mech" quirk. The only way to acquire these hero 'Mechs is through the duels. There are heroes for light, medium, heavy, and assault duels.

Game World 'Mechs

Some of these 'Mechs require DLC in order for you to face them in the arena or for them to appear in loot caches. They have been identified as follows:

Heavy Metal DLC

Flashpoint DLC

Urban Warfare DLC

Gladiator 'Mechs

The following are 'Mechs that can appear as opponents but are not Hero 'Mechs and are not included in the loot caches for completing 6 duels:

Hero 'Mechs


Inner Sphere



Inner Sphere



Inner Sphere



Inner Sphere
