Sanctuary Drone Interface

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The Sanctuary Worlders do not use human pilots in mechs for normal combat. Instead, they developed a remote-control drone interface that humans pilot from the safety of a home base. The drone cockpit provides many benefits, such as sensor and sight range bonuses, excellent protection against pilot feedback injuries, a small defensive ECM field, and even link together into an overlapping sensor network that offers improved targeting numbers for all units in the network.

Manufacturer: Sanctuary Droneworks
Tonnage: 2
Critical Slots: 1
Install Location: Cockpit
Value: 870,000
Gear ID: Gear_Cockpit_Sanctuary_Drone

Equipped Effects:

  • +12 injuries resisted
  • +2 Resolve Gain for this Unit
  • +1 Defense from ECM. This ECM field extends in a 30m radius from the unit.
  • Drone Network Interface. This acts as a specialized C3 network. See the C3 page for more information on C3 network benefits.

Critical Effects:

  • DESTROYED: 'Mech is incapacitated


  • The remote interface insulates the pilot from Neurofeedback and injury but sufficiently severe feedback, such as from mech or cockpit destruction, can still result in pilot injury or death.
  • The Sanctuary Drone Interface is exclusively found as fixed gear on Sanctuary mech variants. It cannot be salvaged or purchased.

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