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[[Category:60 Ton Mechs]]

Revision as of 07:22, 11 June 2021

General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Support: 6
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 60
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1160
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 126
Alpha: 60
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit Proto DHS
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength
Ostsol Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Exchanger I
Left Torso COIL
Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength
Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength
Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength
Right Torso COIL
Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength
Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength
Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength
Left Leg Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength
Right Leg Heat Sink Prototype Double-Strength


The second of the COIL testbed designs, the OTL-4C was designed to carry dual COILs with the base understanding that it would overtax the heat systems completely. That being said, eventually the designers revisited the concept and updated it for a more modern battlefield. Armed still with twin COILs, the OTL-4C carries a battery of experimental Prototype Double Heat Sinks as well as a high-tech Exchanger to handle the heat, at least somewhat. It still overheats readily, but it's a little less bad about it than the prototype concept was.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range


  • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Death Commandos
    • 1st McCarron's Armored Cavalry
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Band of the Damned
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • The Blackhearts
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Mobile Fire
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Avanti's Angels
    • The Krushers
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Grim Determination
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Dioscuri
    • Shen-Se Tian
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Death's Consorts
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • The Arcadians
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Always Faithful
    • Knights of Caerbannog
  • Pirates
  • Local Government
  • Tortuga Dominions

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Support: 6
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 160
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 720
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 64
Alpha: 76
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Ostsol Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso M Laser
M Laser
Left Torso L Laser
M Laser
Right Torso L Laser
M Laser
Left Leg Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Leg Heat Sink
Heat Sink


Nine tons of armoring is considered decent for a heavy 'Mech, while its fast cruising speed of 54 km/h is thanks to a nineteen-ton Vlar 300 fusion engine. Besides speed though it's the 'Mech's highly-sensitive TRSS.2L3 targeting-tracking system, able to detect enemies over several kilometers in even the most difficult terrain, which makes it a good command platform for scouting missions. Sixteen heat sinks also help manage the heat output of its all-energy weapons payload.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range


  • Aurigan Directorate
  • Aurigan Restoration (Arano)
  • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Capellan Confederation (Liao)
    • Warrior House Imarra
    • 6th Confederation Reserve Cavalry
  • Chainelane Isles
  • Circinus Federation
  • ComStar
    • ComStar
    • 11th Army V-Eta
    • 7th Army V-Iota
  • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • Draconis Combine (Kurita)
    • 3rd Night Stalkers
    • 2nd Legion Of Vega
  • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • Federated Suns (Davion)
    • 2nd Crucis Lancers
    • 10th Lyran Guards
    • 1st Kittery Borderers
  • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • Free Rasalhague Republic
    • 2nd Freemen
    • 4th Kavalleri
  • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • 2nd Free Worlds Guards
    • 30th Marik Militia
  • Hanseatic League
  • Illyrian Palatinate
  • JàrnFòlk
  • Lothian League
  • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • Lyran Commonwealth (Steiner)
    • 15th Lyran Regulars
    • 5th Donegal Guards
    • 11th Avalon Hussars
  • Magistracy of Canopus
    • Magistracy of Canopus
    • 2nd Canopian Fusiliers
    • Magistracy Cavaliers
  • Marian Hegemony
    • Marian Hegemony
    • V Legio Ripariensis
    • Cohors Morituri
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Grim Determination
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Federated Freemen
    • The Black Outlaws
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • The Blackhearts
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • The Krushers
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Knights of Caerbannog
    • Clean Kill
    • Bullard's Armored Cavalry
    • Bronson's Horde
    • Quint's Olympian Groundpounders
    • Irukjandi Company
    • Gray's Ghosts
    • Bannockburn's Bandits
    • Ramilie's Raiders
    • Dragonslayers
    • Longwood's Bluecoats
    • Harcourt's Destructors
    • Caesar's Cohorts
    • Canopian Highlanders
    • Antian Lanciarii
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Mobile Fire
    • Kell Hounds
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Broadsword Legion
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Shen-Se Tian
    • New Belt Pirates
    • Band of the Damned
    • Tortuga Fusiliers
    • Death's Consorts
    • Morrison's Extractors
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Always Faithful
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • Dioscuri
    • The Arcadians
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Black Caravel
  • New Delphi Compact
  • Nueva Castile
  • Outworlds Alliance
    • Outworld Alliance
    • 3rd Alliance Air Wing
    • 4th Alliance Air Wing
  • Pirates
  • Local Government
  • Saiph Triumvirate
  • Sarna Supremacy
  • St. Ives Compact
  • Styk Commonality
  • Taurian Concordat
    • Taurian Concordat
    • Pleiades Hussars
    • 3rd Taurian Lancers
  • Terracap Confederation
  • The 331st Royal BattleMech Division
  • Dark Caste
  • Tortuga Dominions
  • Word of Blake
    • WoB Protectorate Militia

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 4
Support: 4
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 110
Max Stability: 40
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 720
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 64
Alpha: 50
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Ostsol Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Left Torso PPC
Right Torso PPC
Left Leg Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Leg Heat Sink
Heat Sink


The 4F Ostsol introduced in 2871 was the only common variant of the 'Mech pre-Clan Invasion, completely removing the laser weapons and replacing them with two Dominion-V PPCs in the side torsos. The 'Mech is seen as, in some ways at least, a poor man's Marauder or Warhammer, and the PPC array can quickly overload the sixteen heat sinks. Though, on its own merits, the variant is a good long-range direct fire support 'Mech which uses its top speed of 86.4 kph to dictate combat ranges against most heavier 'Mechs.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Support: 6
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 138
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 800
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 48
Alpha: 36
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Ostsol Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
M Chem Laser
M Chem Laser
Left Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
L Chem Laser
M Chem Laser
Right Torso Ammo Chemical Laser
L Chem Laser
M Chem Laser
Left Leg Ammo Chemical Laser
Right Leg Ammo Chemical Laser


A basic upgrade for the venerable Ostsol, the OTL-4PA carries a simple upgraded loadout: twin Large Chemical Lasers backed up by quad Medium Chemical Lasers. 6 tons of laser ammunition keep the lasers active in all circumstances. Periphery Armory, Inc: you've tried the best, now try the rest!


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Striker Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Support: 6
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 208
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 720
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 96
Alpha: 97
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Ostsol Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Center Torso M Pulse
M Pulse
Left Torso AMS
Heat Sink (D)
L Pulse
M Pulse
Right Torso Ammo AMS
Heat Sink (D)
L Pulse
M Pulse
Left Arm Heat Sink (D)
Right Arm Heat Sink (D)


The 5M variant of the Ostsol is an upgrade of the design using Star League technology and is built for close-range combat with production starting in 3050. The original engine, heat sinks, and weapons have been stripped from the chassis and replaced with a Hermes 300 XL engine and sixteen double heat sinks. Taking the place of its standard weapons, the 5M Ostsol carries two Tronel XIII Large Pulse Lasers and four Tronel XII Medium Pulse Lasers. Finally, for added protection against missile attacks, the 5M carries a Lindblad Shotgun Anti-Missile System in its right torso with one ton of ammo in the left.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range


  • ComStar
    • ComStar
    • 2nd Army V-Mu
    • 11th Army V-Eta
  • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • Free Worlds League (Marik)
    • 1st Knights of the Inner Sphere
    • 2nd Free Worlds Guards
  • Gray Death Legion
  • Mercenaries
    • Mercenaries
    • Camacho's Caballeros
    • Greenburg's Godzillas
    • Narhal's Raiders
    • Barrett's Fusiliers
    • Mobile Fire
    • Vanguard Legion
    • Avanti's Angels
    • Screaming Eagles
    • Smithson's Chinese Bandits
    • Harlock's Warriors
    • The Blackhearts
    • Romanov's Crusaders
    • Jacob's Juggernauts
    • Lindon's Battalion
    • Grim Determination
    • The Krushers
    • Winfield's Regiment
    • Rubinsky's Light Horse
    • Khorsakov's Cossacks
    • The Black Outlaws
    • 21st Centauri Lancers
    • Tooth of Ymir
    • Dioscuri
    • The Arcadians
    • Northwind Highlanders
    • Lone Star Regiment
    • Dismal Disinherited
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Snord's Irregulars
    • Blue Star Irregulars
    • Knights Of St. Cameron
    • Wolf's Dragoons
    • Kell Hounds
    • 12th Vegan Rangers
    • Eridani Light Horse
    • Burr's Black Cobras
    • Langendorf Lancers
    • Lethal Injection
    • Olson's Rangers
    • Broadsword Legion
    • Always Faithful
    • Hsien Hotheads
    • Simonson's Cutthroats
    • 51st Dark Panzer Jaegers
    • Fist Of Mokal
    • Knights of Caerbannog
  • Local Government
  • Terran Hegemony (Cameron)
  • Word of Blake
    • Word of Blake
    • 40th Shadow Division
    • 9th Division III-Gamma

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 60T
Stock Role Sniper Cavalry
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 4
Energy: 2
Support: 2
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 150
Max Stability: 42
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1040
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 45
Melee Kick: 60
Punch: 30
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Ostsol Improved Sensors (Fixed)
Left Torso ER PPC
Right Torso CASE


Created to fill a need in the Draconis Combine's armory, the Ostsol OTL-5X ended up proving itself an able if unexceptional design. Armed for mobile long-range bombardment of enemy targets, the -5X is capable of extended sustained fire at distances that other mechs cannot effectively engage at. To facilitate this, a pair of LB-5X Autocannons and an ER PPC were mounted as they have very similar range brackets and provide decent firepower. 12 double heat sinks keep the mech nice and cold and 13 tons of armor give it extremely good protection from return fire.


Mech Quirk: Improved Sensors

+10% increased sensor range, +15% increased sight range

Pilot Affinity: Keen Eyed

15% boost to sensor and sight range



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout