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Latest revision as of 00:32, 3 October 2024

General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 65T
Stock Role Heavy Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 2
Support: 4
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 100
Max Stability: 30
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 960
Structure: 521
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 29
Melee Kick: 65
Punch: 33
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 325
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Koschei Improved Life Support (Fixed)
Right Torso M Laser
M Laser
Left Arm AC/10
Ammo AC/10
Ammo AC/10
Ammo AC/10


The product of heavy government investment, the Koschei was the second BattleMech produced in the Capellan Confederation, produced by Earthwerks Incorporated on Tikonov. The first Koscheis, the -3I variant, were produced in 2504. The KSC-3I carries an Autocannon/10 and twin Medium Lasers, which along with its high ground speed made it an effective skirmisher for its time. It was later outclassed and largely retired, except for backwater militias and broke Periphery forces.


Mech Quirk: Improved Life Support

+1 bonus pilot health, immune to pilot bleedouts

Pilot Affinity: Encouraging

+2 resolve whenever resolve is gained



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 65T
Stock Role Heavy Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 2
Missile: 2
Support: 4
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 120
Max Stability: 15
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 960
Structure: 521
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 44
Alpha: 43
Melee Kick: 65
Punch: 33
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 325
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling +1
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Koschei Improved Life Support (Fixed)
Right Torso L Laser
M Laser
Left Arm Ammo LRM
Ammo LRM
Ammo LRM


The product of heavy government investment, the Koschei was the second BattleMech produced in the Capellan Confederation, produced by Earthwerks Incorporated on Tikonov. The second variant, the KSC-3L, was produced in the 2630s and carried a ranged fire-support loadout of a LRM-15, a Large Laser, and a Medium Laser. It was later outclassed and largely retired, except for backwater militias and broke Periphery forces.


Mech Quirk: Improved Life Support

+1 bonus pilot health, immune to pilot bleedouts

Pilot Affinity: Encouraging

+2 resolve whenever resolve is gained



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 65T
Stock Role Heavy Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 2
Support: 4
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 384
Max Stability: 8
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1000
Structure: 521
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 56
Alpha: 54
Melee Kick: 65
Punch: 33
Stock Equipment
Engine Prototype XL Engine
Core 340
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Heavy Plating Armor
Head Koschei Improved Life Support (Fixed)
Left Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
Right Torso Heat Sink
Heat Sink
M Binary Laser
M Binary Laser
S Laser
S Laser
Left Arm Cannon Ammo Feed
Heavy Cannon
Ammo Heavy Rifle
Ammo Heavy Rifle
Ammo Heavy Rifle


The Koschei-3P is a rarer periphery design sometimes seen in more decorated forces. After obtaining ancient Koschei-3I's through discovery of sealed caches there was a dilemma. The original design, while fast for It's weight, was a product of a much simpler time, and its age was showing. Despite that, it was a heavy mech, and those are premium commodities all the way out here, so it was decided that some elbow grease and a few extra C-bills could be spared. The Koschei-3P's biggest, and most expensive difference is the removal of It's standard engine for a prototype XL. The armor plating was also changed to Heavy Plating Armor, giving a notable increase in armor protection. The weaponry was removed in favor of an ammo feed modified Heavy Cannon with three tons of ammo while the lasers were replaced with a pair of Medium Binary Lasers, and backup Small Lasers.


Mech Quirk: Improved Life Support

+1 bonus pilot health, immune to pilot bleedouts

Pilot Affinity: Encouraging

+2 resolve whenever resolve is gained



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 65T
Stock Role Heavy Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 2
Support: 4
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 150
Max Stability: 54
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 960
Structure: 521
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 40
Alpha: 44
Melee Kick: 65
Punch: 33
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 325
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Koschei Improved Life Support (Fixed)
Right Torso M Binary Laser
M Binary Laser
Left Arm Medium Rifle
Medium Rifle
Ammo Medium Rifle
Ammo Medium Rifle
Ammo Medium Rifle


An oft-forgotten design, the Koschei was an excellent candidate for upgrading with 'modern' Periphery technologies. Built off the skeleton of the KSC-3I, the -3PA mounts twin Medium Rifles and twin Medium Binary Lasers for no-ammo firepower. While not a stellar design, the Koschei proved effective and cheap.


Mech Quirk: Improved Life Support

+1 bonus pilot health, immune to pilot bleedouts

Pilot Affinity: Encouraging

+2 resolve whenever resolve is gained



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 65T
Stock Role Heavy Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 4
Support: 6
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 154
Max Stability: 15
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1030
Structure: 521
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 66
Alpha: 52
Melee Kick: 65
Punch: 33
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 325
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +1
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Koschei Improved Life Support (Fixed)
Left Torso CASE
Ammo LBX/10 SLUG
M Laser
M Pulse
Right Torso M Laser
M Pulse
Left Arm LBX AC/10


The product of heavy government investment, the Koschei was the second BattleMech produced in the Capellan Confederation, produced by Earthwerks Incorporated on Tikonov. As advanced technology began proliferating during the Star League era, the Confederation turned their gaze to the Koschei for upgrades, sparing no expense. Armed with a LB-10X Autocannon and a brace of Medium and Medium Pulse Lasers, the -4I is built with Endo-Steel and Ferro-Fibrous materials, making it cutting edge for the time.


Mech Quirk: Improved Life Support

+1 bonus pilot health, immune to pilot bleedouts

Pilot Affinity: Encouraging

+2 resolve whenever resolve is gained



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 65T
Stock Role Heavy Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 2
Missile: 2
Support: 4
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 137
Max Stability: 15
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1030
Structure: 521
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 66
Alpha: 50
Melee Kick: 65
Punch: 33
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 325
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +1
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Koschei Improved Life Support (Fixed)
Left Torso CASE
Right Torso L Pulse
M Pulse
Left Arm Artemis IV FCS


The product of heavy government investment, the Koschei was the second BattleMech produced in the Capellan Confederation, produced by Earthwerks Incorporated on Tikonov. As advanced technology began proliferating during the Star League era, the Confederation turned their gaze to the Koschei for upgrades, sparing no expense. Armed with an ArtemisIV-enabled LRM-15 as well as a Large Pulse and Medium Pulse Laser, the -4L is built with Endo-Steel and Ferro-Fibrous materials, making it cutting edge for the time.


Mech Quirk: Improved Life Support

+1 bonus pilot health, immune to pilot bleedouts

Pilot Affinity: Encouraging

+2 resolve whenever resolve is gained



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 65T
Stock Role Heavy Skirmisher
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 3
Support: 5
Speed 5/8/0
Firepower Max Damage: 200
Max Stability: 17
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1055
Structure: 521
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 84
Alpha: 110
Melee Kick: 65
Punch: 33
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 325
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +3
Gyro Standard Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Koschei Improved Life Support (Fixed)
Left Torso CASE
ER S Laser
ER S Laser
ER S Laser
ER S Laser
ER S Laser
Ammo RAC/5
Ammo RAC/5
Ammo RAC/5
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Snub-Nose PPC
Left Arm Rotary AC/5
Right Arm ER L Laser


As part of the Trinity Alliance, the Magistracy of Canopus acquired plans for the Koschei in the 3060s. Majesty Metals and Manufacturing produces the -5MC at Dunianshire. Armed with a Rotary Autocannon/5 and ER Large Laser for primary firepower, the -5MC is a threat at any range thanks to its back-up weapons array: a Snub-Nose PPC and 5 ER Small Lasers. Endo-Steel, Light Ferro-Fibrous armor, and an XL Engine provide the weight for the heavy weapons load. 14 DHS strive, in vain, to keep it all cool.


Mech Quirk: Improved Life Support

+1 bonus pilot health, immune to pilot bleedouts

Pilot Affinity: Encouraging

+2 resolve whenever resolve is gained



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 65T
Stock Role Stealth Striker
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 1
Energy: 3
Support: 10
Speed 6/9/0
Firepower Max Damage: 90
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 130
Durability Armor: 1040
Structure: 521
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 35
Melee Kick: 65
Punch: 33
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine
Core 390
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro XL Gyro
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Stealth Armor
Head Koschei Improved Life Support (Fixed)
Center Torso Guardian ECM
Left Torso Flamer
Stealth Armor Components
Right Torso Flamer
Stealth Armor Components
Left Arm Heavy Plasma Rifle
Ammo Plasma
Ammo Plasma
Stealth Armor Components
Right Arm Stealth Armor Components
Left Leg Stealth Armor Components
Right Leg Stealth Armor Components


Produced to supply the Trinity Alliance, the Koschei was redesigned as a highly-mobile hunter killer. Its 390 rated XL engine lets it hits speeds common to light mechs, and its array of six flamers and the newly designed Heavy Plasma Rifle is a threat to both mechs, vehicles, and hardened fortifications. 13 tons of cutting edge Stealth Armor and a Guardian ECM suite provide solid protection.

<b><color=#e51717>COMMUNITY CONTENT</color></b>


Mech Quirk: Improved Life Support

+1 bonus pilot health, immune to pilot bleedouts

Pilot Affinity: Encouraging

+2 resolve whenever resolve is gained



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout