Warper - Pilot

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Pilot Warper.png
General Data
Callsign WarperJawa
Name Lynx Nafuzal
Age 36
Gender Female
Faction Aurigan Restoration
Health 3
Gunnery 2
Piloting 6
Guts 6
Tactics 2
Sure Footing.png
Sure Footing
Shielded Stance.png
Shielded Stance
DisgracedInner Sphere


Born as a bastard child to a noble family of House Steiner, Lynx had long ago known that she would never be considered for any ruling position. She had no illusions of grandeur unlike many cousins or family members and though she was educated well she always dreamed. She dreamed of leaving the system she had been born in and being seen as more than just a badge of dishonor for her father and her uncles. She dreamed of being somewhere where ground did not restrict her movement. Where she could run, jump and play like anyone else. As such, when she turned of age, Lynx left Steiner space. Leaving it, and her name behind.

Not much is known about how or when this pilot first appeared in the Taurian system. The impact they have left, however, is significant. Crash landing on a planet with an orbital drop she exited the flaming cockpit dressed in a simple leather jacket with a large silver sword pointing down and a M and I next to it. The raven that had born the drop was sadly broken beyond all repair, its legs shattered and its engine critical.

Within sight of the landing zone was an old HPG where she set up camp. Though it was clearly in disrepair there was enough scrap lying around to make a basic lean to where she could hang her jacket and get some sleep. Or, so was the plan. Until someone came along and offered her a job that she could not refuse. A chance to pilot a mech again and to run amongst the stars.

Why was a Word of Blake Counter-Intelligence officer in Taurian Space? Why did they crash their mech? If you pour her some drinks and swap war stories you may get a chance to hear the numerous covert missions of a WoB officer and a Taurian called Soontide. Whether they are real or not, that is for you to decide.




Can be found as a random starting pilot or in hiring halls.