Scorpion LAM

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Scorpion LAM.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 55T
Stock Role Quad LAM
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 4
Missile: 2
Support: 2
Bomb Bay: 2
Speed 5/8/5
Firepower Max Damage: 103
Max Stability: 44
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 560
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 48
Alpha: 37
Melee Kick: 55
Punch: 28
Stock Equipment
Engine Land Air Mech Engine (Fixed)
Core 275 (Fixed)
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (SHS)
E-Cooling +1
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Avionics (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)
Left Torso Avionics (Fixed)
Landing Gear (Fixed)
Ammo SRM
Right Torso Avionics (Fixed)
Landing Gear (Fixed)
Left Arm Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)
Right Arm Heat Sink
Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)
Left Leg Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)
Right Leg Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)


Developed by Brigadier Corporation during the first Star League, the Scorpion LAM was a failure. It could not transform in combat and was eventually shelved. However, after discover of a bunker of Scorpion LAMs on a backwater FWL world, Irian Technologies revisited the design and managed to solve many of its technical issues with the benefit of more advanced technological know-how. The SCP-1X is the original Brigadier design, updated mechanically to successfully operate. The SCP-1X carries the same loadout as its base Scorpion model: a PPC and SRM-6 combination. Amusingly, the SCP-1X is generally considered a better design as a BattleMech than the base model SCP-1N.


Mech Quirk: LAM

+20% jump distance, +1 evasion pips gained from movement

Mech Quirk: Avionics

Enables AirMech mode. While in AirMech mode: take 10% more damage, stability threshold -40, 100% faster walk speed, +0.2 sprint, ignore terrain and landmines for movement, 360 degree firing arc

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Scorpion LAM.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 55T
Stock Role Quad LAM
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 4
Missile: 2
Support: 2
Bomb Bay: 2
Speed 5/8/5
Firepower Max Damage: 99
Max Stability: 31
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 892
Structure: 496
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 60
Alpha: 42
Melee Kick: 55
Punch: 28
Stock Equipment
Engine Land Air Mech Engine (Fixed)
Core 275 (Fixed)
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Heavy Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Avionics (Fixed)
Center Torso Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)
Left Torso Avionics (Fixed)
Landing Gear (Fixed)
Ammo Streak SRM [Half]
Streak SRM6
Right Torso Avionics (Fixed)
Landing Gear (Fixed)
Snub-Nose PPC
Left Arm Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)
Right Arm Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)
Left Leg Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)
Right Leg Jump Turbine (S) (Fixed)


Developed by Brigadier Corporation during the first Star League, the Scorpion LAM was a failure. It could not transform in combat and was eventually shelved. However, after discover of a bunker of Scorpion LAMs on a backwater FWL world, Irian Technologies revisited the design and managed to solve many of its technical issues with the benefit of more advanced technological know-how. After putting the mothballed LAMs into service, Irian also produced an advanced-tech upgrade, the SCP-1X1. Armed with a Snub-Nose PPC and Streak SRM-6 and clad in Heavy Ferro-Fibrous armor, the -1X1 proved adept in combat and was put into limited service with elite Marik units.


Mech Quirk: LAM

+20% jump distance, +1 evasion pips gained from movement

Mech Quirk: Avionics

Enables AirMech mode. While in AirMech mode: take 10% more damage, stability threshold -40, 100% faster walk speed, +0.2 sprint, ignore terrain and landmines for movement, 360 degree firing arc

Pilot Affinity: Evasive

+2 bonus against being hit



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout