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Burro Kalki Resupply Truck
Vehicle Burro.png
Controllable Yes
Class Medium
Weight 40t
Speed 4/6
Propulsion Tracked
Firepower Max Damage: Burro.png
Max Stability: Burro.png
Max Heat: Burro.png
Durability Total Armor: 400
Total Structure: 100
Front Armor/Structure: 100/25
Left Armor/Structure: 100/25
Right Armor/Structure: 100/25
Rear Armor/Structure: 100/25
Turret Armor/Structure: {{{turretarmor}}}
Weapons MG
Ammunition Ammo MG
Ammo Cruise Missile/50
Gear Cargo Compartment


The Kalki Cruise Missile Launcher is a deadly machine, capable of laying nearly anything to waste in a single shot. However, it carries almost no ammunition and must rely on screening forces for protection. Some enterprising individual realized that it could see further effectiveness with a resupply truck backing it up and so the Burro Kalki Resupply truck was born. Carrying 1 missile for the Cruise Missile/50 launcher, the Burro Kalki Resupply truck increases the Kalki's endurance by 50%. The truck itself is very lightly armed, in case it is pressed into combat.

