Black Market

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The Black Market

The Black Market in BTA functions similarly to the Faction Stores but not precisely like one. Where those are gated behind reputation with their owning faction, the Black Market is gated behind a financial contribution as well as soft-gated behind Pirate reputation. While you can have access to the Black Market without good Pirate reputation, the prices spiral excessively without acceptable reputation. To gain access in the first place requires a random event to appear where the player is offered the chance to join the market, for a fee based on your Pirate reputation. The event is random and there is no way to guarantee access to it.

A rough listing of what is available in the Black Market follows. None of this is guaranteed in every Black Market, this is a rough listing of everything that is *possible* in the market.

Equipment Heat Sinks Engines 'Mech Parts Contracts/Beacons Weapons Ammunition Misc
Heavy/Light/Standard Ferro-Fibrous DHS Kits + DHS IS XL Engines Fafnir FNR-5 Corsair Contract Most IS Weapons Any IS Ammo Pirate Bribe
Most Gyros Prototype Double-Strength HS Fuel-Cell Engines Nightstar NSR-9J BA Beacon
Most FCS's (not TTS's) Freezer Heat Sinks Compact Engines Longbow LGB-7Q Turret Beacon
IS MASC Mini Heat Sinks IS XXL Engines Thanatos TNS-4S Tank Beacon
Supercharger E-Cooling +1 Light Engines JagerMech II JM7-F Mech Beacon
TSM E-Cooling +2 Super Griffin Drone Beacon
Small Shield E-Cooling +3 Bombard BMB-013
Laser Zoom and Magnification Arrays E-Cooling +4 Uziel UZL-2S
PPC Capacitor E-Cooling +5 Hellspawn HSN-7D
BA Handholds E-Cooling +6 Osiris OSR-3D
Stealth Armor Wolfhound WLF-2
Hardened Armor Mongoose MON-66b
DNI Cockpit
Torso Cockpit
Modular Armor, 1 Ton/0.5 Ton