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Revision as of 03:10, 11 June 2024

Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Indestructible Tank
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 6
Missile: 2
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/3
Firepower Max Damage: 153
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1640
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 84
Alpha: 69
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Hardened Armor
Head Medium X-Pulse
Center Torso Jump Jet (A)
Sensors Torso (Fixed)
Torso Mount Cockpit w/ TarComp (Fixed)
Left Torso Jump Jet (A)
Heat Sink (D)
Life Support (Fixed)
Medium X-Pulse
Medium X-Pulse
Right Torso Jump Jet (A)
Heat Sink (D)
Large X-Pulse
Life Support (Fixed)


Many mechs can claim to be indestructible but few actually meet that critera. The Great Turtle though is the definition of unkillable. Equipped with an incredible amount of Hardened Armor as well as a torso cockpit (complete with targeting computer) and a compact gyro, the Great Turtle is a brutal arena fight since few things can withstand its attacks while also wearing down its defenses. While the firepower is paltry (only a Large X-Pulse Laser and three Medium X-Pulse Lasers) the Turtle is about endurance and has a proven record in the arenas.


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)

Pilot Affinity Indestructible

Your mech has no next of kin because it can't actually die. Gain 30% damage reduction at all times.


  • Mercenaries
    • Solaris VII Mercenary League
    • Grim Determination

Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Indestructible Tank
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 10
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/3
Firepower Max Damage: 170
Max Stability: 20
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1640
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 102
Alpha: 108
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine Compact Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head Hardened Medium X-Pulse
Heat Sink (D)
Center Torso Jump Jet (A)
Hardened Torso Mount Cockpit w/ TarComp (Fixed)
Heat Sink (D)
Sensors Torso (Fixed)
Left Torso Jump Jet (A)
ER M Laser
Hardened Medium X-Pulse
Heat Sink (D)
Heat Sink (D)
Life Support (Fixed)
Right Torso Jump Jet (A)
Hardened ER PPC + Capacitor
Heat Sink (D)
Life Support (Fixed)


While the GTR-1 was a qualified success, VEST decided to experiment even further with pilot survivability. By removing the Hardened Armor, they could use special hardened components on the hip actuators, the torso cockpit, and several of the weapons to ensure optimal functionality in any situation. The unique Hardened ER PPC with an in-built PPC Capacitor proved dangerous and effective while the similarly-hardened Medium X-Pulse Lasers are equally effective. A lone ER Medium Laser plays second-fiddle to the other weapons. The GTR-2 proved its worth during several arena tests and is being considered for full production.


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)

Pilot Affinity Indestructible

Your mech has no next of kin because it can't actually die. Gain 30% damage reduction at all times.



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Experimental Tank
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 3
Energy: 5
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/3
Firepower Max Damage: 255
Max Stability: 80
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1680
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 90
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Standard Armor
Head ER L Laser
Center Torso Jump Jet (A)
Sensors Torso (Fixed)
Torso Mount Cockpit w/ TarComp (Fixed)
Left Torso Jump Jet (A)
Experimental Assault Gauss
Life Support (Fixed)
Right Torso Jump Jet (A)
Life Support (Fixed)
Left Arm Ammo Heavy Gauss
Left Leg Ammo Heavy Gauss
Ammo Heavy Gauss


In addition to the basic GTR-1 and GTR-2, VEST made several other Great Turtles for experimentation of various technologies and concepts. One of them is the GTR-3, designed around an Experimental Assault Gauss Rifle meant for breaking fortifications and put to work for the arenas instead. To mount the weapon, the Hardened Armor had to be removed from the GTR-1, giving the Turtle only a standard assault mech's worth of armor. An ER PPC and ER Large Laser provide backup for the rifle while 3 jump jets keep the mech at least somewhat mobile.


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)

Pilot Affinity Indestructible

Your mech has no next of kin because it can't actually die. Gain 30% damage reduction at all times.



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Indestructible Tank
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Missile: 4
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/0
Firepower Max Damage: 191
Max Stability: 54
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1640
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 65
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling None
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Hardened Armor
Head Rotary ER M Laser
Ammo T-Bolt10
Ammo T-Bolt10
Ammo T-Bolt10
Center Torso Rotary ER M Laser
Sensors Torso (Fixed)
Torso Mount Cockpit w/ TarComp (Fixed)
Left Torso Heat Sink (D)
Life Support (Fixed)
Thunderbolt 10
Right Torso Heat Sink (D)
Life Support (Fixed)
Rotary ER M Laser
Thunderbolt 10


In addition to the basic GTR-1 and GTR-2, VEST made several other Great Turtles for experimentation of various technologies and concepts. One of them is the GTR-4, which experimented with missile weaponry on the Turtle's chassis. Coated in 41 tons of Hardened Armor, the -4 remains indestructible. A pair of Thunderbolt-10s provide primary firepower while a trio of exotic Rotary ER Medium Lasers cover closer ranges. A Supercharger helps make up for the removal of the jump jets while three tons of ammo provides acceptable arena endurance.


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)

Pilot Affinity Indestructible

Your mech has no next of kin because it can't actually die. Gain 30% damage reduction at all times.



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Indestructible Tank
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 4
Energy: 6
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/3
Firepower Max Damage: 170
Max Stability: 40
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1640
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 72
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Hardened Armor
Head Ammo AC/5 [HEAP]
Ammo AC/5 [PRE]
ER M Laser (C)
Center Torso Jump Jet (A)
Sensors Torso (Fixed)
Torso Mount Cockpit w/ TarComp (Fixed)
Left Torso Jump Jet (A)
ER M Laser (C)
Life Support (Fixed)
Right Torso Jump Jet (A)
ER M Laser (C)
Life Support (Fixed)


In addition to the basic GTR-1 and GTR-2, VEST made several other Great Turtles for experimentation of various technologies and concepts. One of them is the GTR-5, which attempts to mate the hardened chassis with ballistic weaponry, to poor results. Due to the weight of the Hardened Armor (41 tons worth) the only ballistic weapons that would fit were a pair of Light Autocannon/5s. A trio of ER Medium Lasers, Clantech at that, back up the ACs. Given the fairly anemic firepower and the issues with carrying explosive ammunition, the GTR-5 was regarded as a failure and was considered a waste by VEST's engineers.


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)

Pilot Affinity Indestructible

Your mech has no next of kin because it can't actually die. Gain 30% damage reduction at all times.



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Indestructible Tank
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 2
Energy: 6
Missile: 2
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/3
Firepower Max Damage: 100
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1640
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 90
Alpha: 30
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine Standard Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Hardened Armor
Head Heat Sink (D)
Center Torso Jump Jet (A)
Life Support (Fixed)
Virtual Reality Piloting Pod (Fixed)
Left Torso Jump Jet (A)
Bombast Laser
Heat Sink (D)
Life Support (Fixed)
Right Torso Jump Jet (A)
Bombast Laser
Heat Sink (D)
Life Support (Fixed)


Many mechs can claim to be indestructible but few actually meet that critera. The Great Turtle though is the definition of unkillable. The GTR-6 is perhaps even more deadly than the original incarnation thanks to its Virtual Reality Piloting Pod boosting the pilot's abilities tremendously in battle. The firepower is simple yet exotic: a pair of Lyran-sourced Bombast Lasers that can be dialed to whatever the pilot needs in the moment. The GTR-6 made quite a splash in its debut match and has gone on to great success in the arenas.


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)

Pilot Affinity Indestructible

Your mech has no next of kin because it can't actually die. Gain 30% damage reduction at all times.



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Indestructible Tank
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 6
Missile: 4
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/0
Firepower Max Damage: 0
Max Stability: 0
Max Heat: 200
Durability Armor: 1988
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 78
Alpha: 100
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine (C)
Core 300
Heat Sinks Engine Sink Kit (CDHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (C) (Fixed)
Armor Hardened Armor (C)
Head HarJel
Rangefinder Magestrix
Center Torso ECM Suite (C)
Ammo Plasma
Plasma Cannon (C)
Sensors Torso (Fixed)
Torso Mount Cockpit w/ TarComp (Fixed)
Left Torso HarJel
Heat Sink Double (C)
Life Support (Fixed)
Ammo Plasma
Ammo Plasma
Plasma Cannon (C)
Plasma Cannon (C)
Right Torso Bulk Heat Bank
Life Support (Fixed)
Ammo Plasma
Ammo Plasma
Plasma Cannon (C)
Plasma Cannon (C)
Left Arm HarJel
Right Arm HarJel
Left Leg HarJel
Right Leg HarJel


In addition to the basic GTR-1 and GTR-2, VEST made several other Great Turtles for experimentation of various technologies and concepts. Created as a Joint Project with Clan Diamond Shark, this Great Turtle boasts 43 tons of Clan-spec Hardened Armor. A quintet of Plasma Cannons give the mech its nickname, the 'Dragon Turtle', and are incredibly deadly to infantry and vehicles alike. It is equally at home at the arena or on the battlefield, leaving ashes of destruction in its wake.

<b><color=#e51717>COMMUNITY CONTENT</color></b>


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)

Pilot Affinity Indestructible

Your mech has no next of kin because it can't actually die. Gain 30% damage reduction at all times.



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Gladiator
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Energy: 12
Missile: 1
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/0
Firepower Max Damage: 135
Max Stability: 21
Max Heat: 0
Durability Armor: 1420
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 96
Alpha: 90
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine XL Engine (C)
Core 300
Heat Sinks Engine Sink Kit (CDHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Endo-Steel Structure (Fixed)
Armor Hardened Armor
Head Targeting Computer [Assault]
PPC Capacitor
Snub-Nose PPC
Exchanger III
Center Torso Sensors Torso (Fixed)
Torso Mount Cockpit w/ TarComp (Fixed)
Left Torso HarJel
Life Support (Fixed)
PPC Capacitor
Snub-Nose PPC
Right Torso HarJel
Life Support (Fixed)
PPC Capacitor
Snub-Nose PPC
Heat Bank
Left Arm Heat Sink Double (C)
Right Arm Heat Sink Double (C)
Left Leg Heat Sink Double (C)
Right Leg Heat Sink Double (C)


Even for an arena design, Torrasque stands out as one-of-a-kind. The Great Turtle is already unique and Torrasque takes it to another level. Torrasque retains the Hardened Armor of the base Great Turtle but enhances it with Clan-sourced Harjel in the side torsos. It uses a Clan-grade XL Engine and Double Heat Sinks to manage the heat from three Snub-Nose PPCs, all with PPC Capacitor systems and all tied into an advanced Targeting Computer. A powerful Heat Exchanger and Heat Bank help manage the heat alongside 16 DHS. Truly, Torrasque is every bit the terror of its namesake.


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)

Pilot Affinity Indestructible

Your mech has no next of kin because it can't actually die. Gain 30% damage reduction at all times.



Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout
Great Turtle.png
General Data
'Mech Type BattleMech
Weight 100T
Stock Role Experimental Tank
Stock Specifications
Hardpoints Ballistic: 3
Energy: 5
Support: 2
Speed 3/5/3
Firepower Max Damage: 180
Max Stability: 25
Max Heat: 30
Durability Armor: 1992
Structure: 806
Heat Efficiency Sinking: 72
Alpha: 84
Melee Kick: 100
Punch: 50
Stock Equipment
Engine Light Engine
Core 300
Heat Sinks Heat Sink Kit (DHS)
E-Cooling +2
Gyro Quad Mech Compact Gyro (Fixed)
Structure Standard Structure (Fixed)
Armor Light Ferro-Fibrous Armor
Head Static ER M Laser
Center Torso Jump Jet (A)
Sensors Torso (Fixed)
Torso Mount Cockpit w/ TarComp (Fixed)
Left Torso Jump Jet (A)
Ammo HVAC/10
Ammo Phosphor HVAC/10
Life Support (Fixed)
Right Torso Jump Jet (A)
Haywire L Laser
Haywire L Laser
Haywire L Laser
Laser AMS
Life Support (Fixed)


The Great Turtle is famous for its durability, but if the Hardened Armor is removed then it turns out the Turtle is an excellent standard assault chassis, capable of great damage and still maintaining high durability. The GTR-SB is one such example: armed with an HVAC/10 and a trio of advanced Large Lasers, the GTR-SB is a simple and effective design.


Mech Quirk: Quad Mech

(+10% walk distance, +10% sprint distance, +20 kick damage, +1 kick accuracy)




Stock Loadout
Stock Loadout