Weapon |
StartingAmmoCapacity | 0 |
MinRange | 0 |
EvasiveDamageMultiplier | 0 |
ProjectilesPerShot | 1 |
MaxRange | 120 |
AttackRecoil | 0 |
Damage | 2 |
HeatGenerated | 1 |
Type | MachineGun |
Id | Weapon_MachineGun_Meatgrinder_0-STOCK |
RangeSplit | 30,60,90 |
AOECapable | false |
ShotsWhenFired | 3 |
IndirectFireCapable | false |
UIName | Meatgrinder MG |
Instability | 1 |
Bonuses | WpnCrits: -80%,AntiBA: 1000%,WeaponJAMMultiple2Stage: 10%, 20%,VariableBurstCount: 3,PipsIgnored: 3 |
Cost | 150000 |
BattleValue | 0 |
ComponentSubType | Weapon |
DisallowedLocations | All |
CriticalChanceMultiplier | 0.2 |
AllowedLocations | All |
WeaponEffectID | WeaponEffect-Weapon_MachineGun |
Icon | uixSvgIcon_weapon_Support |
DamageVariance | 0 |
Tonnage | 0.5 |
InventorySize | 1 |
Rarity | 0 |
ComponentType | Weapon |
Details | After his mysterious return to the Inner Sphere, Stefan Amaris the Usurper set out to learn how military technology had advanced in the intervening centuries. The Meatgrinder Machine Gun is a rare superweapon developed by the Rim Worlds Republic at the order of Stefan Amaris himself with the express goal of slaughtering rioting civilians and shredding lightly armored targets. It does less damage than normal Machine Guns do per shot but fires three times as many shots per trigger pull, letting it absolutely shred light targets.
Has increasing jam chance and decreasing crit chance as fire speed increases!
<color=#ffcc00>Uses MG Ammo.</color>
<color=#00ffff>Left Click on Mode value during battle to switch firing mode</color> |
RefireModifier | 0 |
EvasivePipsIgnored | 3 |
OverheatedDamageMultiplier | 0 |
AccuracyModifier | 0 |
Manufacturer | Amaris Empire |
Name | Meatgrinder MG |
Model | Ground Chuck |
Category | AntiPersonnel |
Purchasable | true |
AmmoCategory | MG |
HeatDamage | 0 |