RawData:Weapon Autocannon AC20 CANNONBALL
Weapon | |
StartingAmmoCapacity | 10 |
MinRange | 0 |
EvasiveDamageMultiplier | 0 |
ProjectilesPerShot | 1 |
MaxRange | 400 |
AttackRecoil | 4 |
Damage | 120 |
HeatGenerated | 28 |
Type | Autocannon |
Id | Weapon_Autocannon_AC20_CANNONBALL |
RangeSplit | 100,200,300 |
AOECapable | false |
ShotsWhenFired | 1 |
IndirectFireCapable | false |
UIName | AC/20 Cannonball |
Instability | 100 |
Bonuses | WpnRecoil: 4,WpnAccuracy: -1,CostPerShot: 100,WeaponBoom: 120,InternalAmmo: 10,WeaponAttachmentCompatible: Autocannon FCS |
Cost | 280000 |
BattleValue | 0 |
ComponentSubType | Weapon |
DisallowedLocations | All |
CriticalChanceMultiplier | 1 |
AllowedLocations | All |
WeaponEffectID | WeaponEffect-Weapon_AC20_Single |
Icon | cannon-shot |
DamageVariance | 0 |
Tonnage | 16 |
InventorySize | 10 |
Rarity | 0 |
ComponentType | Weapon |
Details | Yarr, me mateys! This here be an AC/20 Cannonball, the biggest and baddest of all AC/20s! Designed by the pirates behind the Blackbeard, it be a bigger and boomier cannon, doing more damage, knocking people over, and generally just being big and explody. |
RefireModifier | 4 |
EvasivePipsIgnored | 0 |
OverheatedDamageMultiplier | 0 |
AccuracyModifier | 1 |
Manufacturer | Blackbeard |
Name | AC/20 Cannonball |
Model | Shredder Autocannon |
Category | Ballistic |
Purchasable | true |
AmmoCategory | Flamer |
HeatDamage | 0 |