RawData:Gear Attachment TAGFCS
Upgrade | |
UIName | TAG FCS |
Bonuses | WeaponAttachmentTargets: TAG-type Weapons,WeaponAttachmentModifiesModes,WeaponAttachmentDamage: +16,WeaponAttachmentHeat: +5,WeaponAttachmentAccuracy: +1 |
InventorySize | 1 |
ComponentSubType | NotSet |
Tonnage | 0.5 |
Manufacturer | Kong Interstellar |
Icon | WeaponAttachment |
Rarity | 1 |
ComponentType | Upgrade |
Details | This Fire Control System is designed for TAG-type weapons, such as TAGs, Light TAGs, and C3 Masters. Unlike standard FCSs, which tend to improve accuracy, the TAG FCS instead adjusts the damage of the attached system to bring it more in line with a standard combat weapon. While the TAG FCS will never make TAGs a viable primary combat system, it does enable TAG-equipped units to pose a bit more of a threat to enemies in the field. |
CustomCategories | WeaponAttachment,NoTTS |
Name | TAG FCS Attachment |
Model | Garret Mole |
Cost | 145000 |
Purchasable | false |
Id | Gear_Attachment_TAGFCS |
BattleValue | 0 |