RawData:Gear Attachment GaussFCS
Upgrade | |
UIName | Gauss FCS |
Bonuses | WeaponAttachmentTargets: Gauss-type Weapons,WeaponAttachmentModifiesModes,WeaponAttachmentPipsIgnored: +1,WeaponAttachmentAccuracy: +2 |
InventorySize | 1 |
ComponentSubType | NotSet |
Tonnage | 1 |
Manufacturer | Blackwell Arms |
Icon | WeaponAttachment |
Rarity | 1 |
ComponentType | Upgrade |
Details | This Fire Control System is designed for Gauss-type weapons, such as Light, Heavy, Improved Heavy, Standard, Improved Standard, Piercing, Rotary, Silver Bullet, Snubnose, Ultra Snubnose, and Hyper-Assault Gauss Rifles, and strongly improves their accuracy in battle at the cost of weight and space. Generally however, this is considered a resonable tradeoff for the benefits such fire control systems provide. |
CustomCategories | WeaponAttachment,NoTTS |
Name | Gauss FCS Attachment |
Model | Thunderfist |
Cost | 145000 |
Purchasable | false |
Id | Gear_Attachment_GaussFCS |
BattleValue | 0 |