2020/6/6 - Patch v5.5.2
Revision as of 05:44, 31 March 2022 by Turtrus (talk | contribs) (Turtrus moved page Patch v5.5.2 - 2020/6/6 to 2020/6/6 - Patch v5.5.2 without leaving a redirect)
v5.5.2 has been released to the installer. This is mostly bugfixing but there's some content too:
- Fixed a bug with the Medusa, it works properly now. Sorry about that.
- Fixed some other various bugs and issues. Should be slightly more stable now.
- Added a pair of mechs, one PA Warhammer and the Behemoth, a Wolf's Dragoons IS spec Stone Rhino variant. Find the Behemoth with locals and mercs, find the PA Warhammer anywhere Periphery Armory designs can be found.
- An entire Pirate Storyline has been added. Now, after you do enough special pirate contracts, you'll get a challenge to become the Pirate Lord. There's some great rewards, keep an eye out for it! Gotta be friends with the pirates though.
- Pilot traits changed slightly: overheat threshold didn't do anything and was replaced with some free cooling and the sprinting trait was corrected.
- CAC target side panel came back after getting lost on an adventure.
- NEW MECH: The Fire Moth, the Clan 20 ton insanely fast scout mech, has arrived. Find it with the Clans.
IMPORTANT: v5.5.2 is an "update" update. Run the installer again to let it just update your files and you're set to go. The installer auto-updates the CAB and injects Modtek for you.
IMPORTANT: v5.5.2 requires HBS BT patch 1.9.1. Update to that version before installing BTA v5.5.2.