Performance Tips
General Tips
Restarting Often
Thanks to the poorly optimised Unity engine, vanilla code and other memory related unpleasantness, even large amounts of RAM will be quickly filled. To mitigate this we suggest the game be restarted every few hours or every few mission. This can vary depending on the capability of your system, but running the game for more than six hours has been known to cause the game to refer to code from previously completed missions and cause very bad things to happen.
Configuration Tips
Advice for slowdowns from a 9700k + 64Gb + RTX2080 user who was still getting slowdowns:
1. Turn off vsync in btech settings and turn on "fast" vsync in nvidia control panel
2. Add battletech folder to exclusion list for windows defender
3. Add battletech.exe process to exclusion list for windows defender
Process Lasso
Get process lasso: (you only need the free version). Make sure it auto starts.
Select Battletech, remove cpu affinity 0 and 1 (for always) Set priorities to high (i/o and priority class)
Borderless Window
To play in full screen borderless window mode, set your in game video options to WINDOWED, and resolution to your desktop resolution. Exit the game.
Now add -popupwindow to the Battletech launch options, and if you're getting it on the wrong monitor, add -adapter N where N = your monitor number - 1, so monitor 1 is 0, 2 is 1, etc.
Game Settings Tips
While in game, go to Options > Video > Advanced for the following options:
Slowdowns or crashes in Urban Biomes (City Maps)
Urban Biome Reduce Props
This will remove civilian cars and other cosmetic litter which can provide significant performance increases in Urban biomes.
Graphics Settings
These settings can be adjusted to increase overall game performance. Experiment to find the right balance for you, or set everything to lowest/disabled for maximum performance.
- Bloom Quality - Low
- Ambient Occlusion - Disabled
- AntiAliasing - Disabled
- Motion Blur - Disabled
- Reflection - Disabled
- VSync - Disabled