RawData:MechDef Atlas AS7-D
ChassisTags | AssaultMech |
Cost | 10800000 |
UIName | Atlas |
Tonnage | 100 |
VariantName | AS7-D |
Manufacturer | |
Icon | uixTxrIcon_atlas |
StockRole | Juggernaut & Close Assault |
Rarity | 5 |
Id | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
StartingTonnage | |
Details | The Atlas D is the king of the battlefield, capable of bringing a dizzying array of weapons to bear on targets at any range. It is also noteworthy for normally mounting the maximum amount of armor possible. Few opponents can survive even brief contact with this monster. |
LeftArmActuatorLimit | |
Name | Atlas |
Model | |
weightClass | ASSAULT |
Purchasable | true |
YangsThoughts | The Atlas D is the king of the battlefield, capable of bringing a dizzying array of weapons to bear on targets at any range. It is also noteworthy for normally mounting the maximum amount of armor possible. Few opponents can survive even brief contact with this monster. |
RightArmActuatorLimit |
OmniHardpoints | |
InternalStructure | 16 |
InventorySlots | 6 |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Tonnage | 0 |
Location | Head |
Hardpoints | |
MaxArmor | 45 |
MaxRearArmor | -1 |
OmniHardpoints | |
InternalStructure | 85 |
InventorySlots | 12 |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Tonnage | 0 |
Location | LeftArm |
Hardpoints | Energy,AntiPersonnel |
MaxArmor | 170 |
MaxRearArmor | -1 |
OmniHardpoints | |
InternalStructure | 105 |
InventorySlots | 12 |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Tonnage | 0 |
Location | LeftTorso |
Hardpoints | Missile,Missile |
MaxArmor | 210 |
MaxRearArmor | 105 |
OmniHardpoints | |
InternalStructure | 160 |
InventorySlots | 16 |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Tonnage | 0 |
Location | CenterTorso |
Hardpoints | Energy,Energy |
MaxArmor | 320 |
MaxRearArmor | 160 |
OmniHardpoints | |
InternalStructure | 105 |
InventorySlots | 12 |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Tonnage | 0 |
Location | RightTorso |
Hardpoints | Ballistic,Ballistic |
MaxArmor | 210 |
MaxRearArmor | 105 |
OmniHardpoints | |
InternalStructure | 85 |
InventorySlots | 12 |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Tonnage | 0 |
Location | RightArm |
Hardpoints | Energy,AntiPersonnel |
MaxArmor | 170 |
MaxRearArmor | -1 |
OmniHardpoints | |
InternalStructure | 105 |
InventorySlots | 6 |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Tonnage | 0 |
Location | LeftLeg |
Hardpoints | |
MaxArmor | 210 |
MaxRearArmor | -1 |
OmniHardpoints | |
InternalStructure | 105 |
InventorySlots | 6 |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Tonnage | 0 |
Location | RightLeg |
Hardpoints | |
MaxArmor | 210 |
MaxRearArmor | -1 |
MechID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | true |
MountedLocation | LeftArm |
ComponentDefID | Gear_Quirk_Battlefists_Atlas |
MechID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | true |
MountedLocation | RightArm |
ComponentDefID | Gear_Quirk_Battlefists_Atlas |
MechID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | true |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | emod_structureslots_standard |
Rarity | 5 |
Cost | 2620000 |
Id | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Version | 1 |
simGameMechPartCost | 1300000 |
Manufacturer | |
UIName | Atlas AS7-D |
Details | The Atlas D is the king of the battlefield, capable of bringing a dizzying array of weapons to bear on targets at any range. It is also noteworthy for normally mounting the maximum amount of armor possible. Few opponents can survive even brief contact with this monster. |
ChassisID | chassisdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Model | |
Name | Atlas |
Purchasable | true |
Icon | uixTxrIcon_atlas |
MechTags | unit_indirectFire,unit_mech,unit_assault,unit_release,unit_rarity_5,unit_ready,unit_lance_tank,unit_role_brawler,Cameron,IVCorps,ComStar,11thArmyVEta,7thArmyVIota,Marian,ILegioMartiaVictrix,VLegioRipariensis,Illyrian,Lothian,WoBProtectorateMilitia,Hanse,Castile,DarkCaste,331stDivision,RimWorldsRepublic,1stHeliusLegionnaires,8thHeliusFusiliers,RepublicanGuard,Outworld,3rdAllianceAirWing,4thAllianceAirWing,Circinus,Rasalhague,2ndFreemen,4thKavalleri,Ives,Steiner,6thLyranGuards,5thDonegalGuards,10thLyranGuards,15thLyranRegulars,Marik,2ndFreeWorldsGuards,30thMarikMilitia,Kurita,3rdNightStalkers,2ndLegionOfVega,Davion,2ndCrucisLancers,11thAvalonHussars,FederatedFreemen,1stKitteryBorderers,Chainelane,JarnFolk,Delphi,Liao,WarriorHouseImarra,6thConfederationReserveCavalry,MagistracyOfCanopus,2ndCanopianFusiliers,MagistracyCavaliers,FroncReaches,CalderonProtectorate,TaurianConcordat,PleiadesHussars,3rdTaurianLancers,AuriganPirates,BandOfTheDamned,DeathsConsorts,MorrisonsExtractors,NewBeltPirates,TortugaFusiliers,ShenSeTian,AuriganDirectorate,AuriganRestoration,Tortuga,nofaction,MercenaryReviewBoard,betrayers,AuriganMercenaries,Mercenaries,Wolfs_Dragoons,BlackWidowCompany,BountyHunterAssociates,Locals,BroadswordLegion,BurrsBlackCobras,51stDarkPanzerJaegers,FistOfMokal,HsienHotheads,SimonsonsCutthroats,AlwaysFaithful,LangendorfLancers,LethalInjection,OlsonsRangers,TheArcadians,12thVeganRangers,Dioscuri,HarlocksWarriors,ScreamingEagles,SmithsonsChineseBandits,VanguardLegion,AvantisAngels,MobileFire,CamachosCaballeros,GreenburgsGodzillas,NarhalsRaiders,BarrettsFusiliers,Blackhearts,TheKrushers,RomanovsCrusaders,BlackOutlaws,21stCentauriLancers,RubinskysLightHorse,KhorsakovsCossacks,WinfieldsRegiment,JacobsJuggernauts,LindonsBattalion,GrimDetermination,FightingUrukhai,RaymondsRedcoats,12thStarGuards,RedfieldRenegades,LexingtonCombatGroup,ToothOfYmir,KnightsOfCaerbannog,HostileMercenaries,EmeraldDawn,SianTriumphant,DuchyOfAndurien,BlackCalderaDefense,BlackCalderaDefense_Hidden,HouseKhulan,PaladinProtectionLLC,SecuritySolutionsInc,BaumannGroup,HouseNakano,HostileMercenaries,RedHareRegiment,MasonsMarauders,RazorbackMercs,SelfEmployed,FlakJackals,BannockburnsBandits,CleanKill,AblesAces,GraveWalkers,LongwoodsBluecoats,CaesarsCohorts,CanopianHighlanders,Dragonslayers,HarcourtsDestructors,RamiliesRaiders,BronsonsHorde,BullardsArmoredCavalry,QuintsOlympianGroundpounders,GraysGhosts,IrukjandiCompany,AntianLanciarii,BlackCaravel,BlackSharks,SarnaSupremacy,SaiphTriumvirate,TerracapConfederation,StykCommonality,Moderbjorn,LocalsBrockwayRefugees,EdCorbu,unit_legal |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
CurrentArmor | 45 |
CurrentRearArmor | -1 |
Location | Head |
AssignedArmor | 45 |
AssignedRearArmor | -1 |
CurrentInternalStructure | 16 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
CurrentArmor | 170 |
CurrentRearArmor | -1 |
Location | LeftArm |
AssignedArmor | 170 |
AssignedRearArmor | -1 |
CurrentInternalStructure | 85 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
CurrentArmor | 160 |
CurrentRearArmor | 50 |
Location | LeftTorso |
AssignedArmor | 160 |
AssignedRearArmor | 50 |
CurrentInternalStructure | 105 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
CurrentArmor | 235 |
CurrentRearArmor | 70 |
Location | CenterTorso |
AssignedArmor | 235 |
AssignedRearArmor | 70 |
CurrentInternalStructure | 160 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
CurrentArmor | 160 |
CurrentRearArmor | 50 |
Location | RightTorso |
AssignedArmor | 160 |
AssignedRearArmor | 50 |
CurrentInternalStructure | 105 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
CurrentArmor | 170 |
CurrentRearArmor | -1 |
Location | RightArm |
AssignedArmor | 170 |
AssignedRearArmor | -1 |
CurrentInternalStructure | 85 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
CurrentArmor | 205 |
CurrentRearArmor | -1 |
Location | LeftLeg |
AssignedArmor | 205 |
AssignedRearArmor | -1 |
CurrentInternalStructure | 105 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
CurrentArmor | 205 |
CurrentRearArmor | -1 |
Location | RightLeg |
AssignedArmor | 205 |
AssignedRearArmor | -1 |
CurrentInternalStructure | 105 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | emod_armorslots_standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | emod_engine_300 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | emod_kit_shs |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | emod_engine_cooling_2 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | Gear_Gyro_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | emod_engineslots_std_center |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | Head |
ComponentDefID | Gear_Cockpit_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftLeg |
ComponentDefID | emod_leg_hip |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftLeg |
ComponentDefID | emod_leg_upper |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftLeg |
ComponentDefID | emod_leg_lower |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftLeg |
ComponentDefID | emod_leg_foot |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightLeg |
ComponentDefID | emod_leg_hip |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightLeg |
ComponentDefID | emod_leg_upper |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightLeg |
ComponentDefID | emod_leg_lower |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightLeg |
ComponentDefID | emod_leg_foot |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftArm |
ComponentDefID | emod_arm_part_shoulder |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftArm |
ComponentDefID | emod_arm_part_upper |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightArm |
ComponentDefID | emod_arm_part_shoulder |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Upgrade |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightArm |
ComponentDefID | emod_arm_part_upper |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | Head |
ComponentDefID | Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Weapon |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftArm |
ComponentDefID | Weapon_Laser_MediumLaser_0-STOCK |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftArm |
ComponentDefID | Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 1 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftArm |
ComponentDefID | Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Weapon |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftTorso |
ComponentDefID | Weapon_LRM_LRM20_0-STOCK |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 1 |
ComponentDefType | Weapon |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftTorso |
ComponentDefID | Weapon_SRM_SRM6_0-STOCK |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | AmmunitionBox |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftTorso |
ComponentDefID | Ammo_AmmunitionBox_Generic_LRM |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 1 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | AmmunitionBox |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftTorso |
ComponentDefID | Ammo_AmmunitionBox_Generic_LRM |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | AmmunitionBox |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftTorso |
ComponentDefID | Ammo_AmmunitionBox_Generic_SRM |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Weapon |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | Weapon_Laser_MediumLaser_0-STOCK |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 1 |
ComponentDefType | Weapon |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | CenterTorso |
ComponentDefID | Weapon_Laser_MediumLaser_0-STOCK |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Weapon |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightTorso |
ComponentDefID | Weapon_Autocannon_AC20_0-STOCK |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightTorso |
ComponentDefID | Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | 0 |
ComponentDefType | Weapon |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightArm |
ComponentDefID | Weapon_Laser_MediumLaser_0-STOCK |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightArm |
ComponentDefID | Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 1 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightArm |
ComponentDefID | Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | AmmunitionBox |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftLeg |
ComponentDefID | Ammo_AmmunitionBox_Generic_AC20 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | LeftLeg |
ComponentDefID | Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | AmmunitionBox |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightLeg |
ComponentDefID | Ammo_AmmunitionBox_Generic_AC20 |
MechID | mechdef_atlas_AS7-D |
Count | 0 |
HardpointSlot | -1 |
ComponentDefType | HeatSink |
FixedEquipment | false |
MountedLocation | RightLeg |
ComponentDefID | Gear_HeatSink_Generic_Standard |